Thursday, September 24, 2009

The balance between tourist, resident, and Mom

So, I am still working on the idea of balancing my life. I need to stay busy, since that is how I have always been. But, I need to allow Eileen the space to have play time and nap time. I need to see as much as I can, so that I don't kick myself for not doing more while living in Europe. I need to not drive myself crazy (which knowing me is likely no matter what I do).

This week, I had planned to go to the Jewish Museum in Amsterdam. It might have included a tour of the Portuguese Synagogue. I had lined up some friends to travel with me on the train. I figured it would take 3/4 of the day and screw up Eileen's nap schedule, but with Eric on travel for a couple of days, that would be for me to deal with -- so hopefully it would yield: fun for me, some fun and new stuff for Eileen, maybe some Channukah gifts, new stuff for my friend, and no down side for Eric. Then my friend was dealing with illness in her family (of the flu type), so suddenly, it became too much adventure for one parent to handle.

Wait, I hear you crying out: are you the same woman who willingly flies internationally with that baby/toddler? Did you not end up overnight in Dublin without planning it? Do you not manage yourself and Eileen fine over multiple flights into many cities, managing luggage, toddler, seat, and all and rental cars? Why would you be fine with all that, plus jet lag and not a 1.5 hour train ride each way to see a museum in Amsterdam. Good points all...

Yet, we spent the day playing at Hemelrijk in the morning and with the neighbor's dog in the afternoon.

I think part of the reason that I am not confident here has to do with the fact that we just don't use restaurants much. They are for date night and maybe for coffee/lunch. Hardly ever for dinner other than date night. So, I have to factor in that I will be cooking something. And usually (as in 19 out of 20 dinners or so) I do better than hot dogs or insta-dinner. So, if I am home, I am looking at spending at least some of my energy cooking something. That means conserving some energy.

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