Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Well this is a post on several different types of birds. First up - the eagle. This is the insignia of full colonels in the US Air Force (and Army and Marines, they are Captains in the Navy, but they too wear the insignia). My husband was informed that he will one day get to pin on this rank. I am excited for him, and grateful to the outstanding leaders he has had over the years and the outstanding officers and NCOs and airmen that have served with him along the way-- all doing their jobs so well. I am also a bit sad that many very good officers did not appear on that list. But, mostly I feel lucky and incredibly proud of Eric.

Additionally, it is time to talk about the birds that live here in Wichita Falls. We have a corner near us that has approximately 6000 blackbirds roosting on the power lines and in the trees. I swear that one corner could have been the inspiration for the Hitchcock film "The Birds." They roost there from mid October through until spring. Makes you want to wash your car just driving by...and I can always hear their squawking no matter how much noise Eileen is making or what we are listening to inside the car.

Yet there are days of bird inspiration. Today was one of the few rainy days we have had here, and against that dark gray backdrop, I saw a single sea gull spreading wing. So lovely.

We often see single or groups of Hawks in the air near us - especially against the high blue cloudless skies.

Eileen and I walk a nature trail near our home and spot heron, ducks, and egrets as well. So, though I am not a birder, I have begun to appreciate them here....

Friday, January 13, 2012


Every January, I start working on icings to try to get things in shape for Eileen's birthday. I must say that I stole my friend's Swiss Buttercream recipe and it was worthwhile. But, one of Eileen's favorite friends (in fact the boy she is 'in love' with -- as opposed to the one she plans to marry....both will be at her birthday party) is allergic to the following: eggs, milk, soy, nuts. Any suggestions for great icing  would be appreciated. We have egg-substitute that might be okay for Will. I think I will be doing a lovely cake using the Swiss Buttercream, and hypoallergenic cupcakes (maybe using palm oil in place of butter/margarine).

If you are reading this and have suggestions, I would appreciate it!

Eileen turns 4 on 31 January.