Tuesday, July 14, 2009

News flash: baby has grown

I postponed posting until after our visit to the wellness baby bureau today. Eileen is, surprise, wait for it....short! And a bit skinny. 9.9 kg and 78.5 cm. I will look on-line today and see if I can find a fill in the numbers growth chart so everyone can see that despite being a little short and slightly skinny, she is progressing just fine. She surprised the doctor today by following directions pretty well. Until it came time to give up a toy that she wanted to play with, when my child instead tried to distract the doctor by giving her other toys....


At least other people are also noticing things about her. I am not just imagining that she is trying psychological tricks on them.

Today, she also experienced her first real fear at climbing something. Something she had climbed with no ill-effect many times. A ladder to a fort in Volkel. I don't know whether to chear that she finally is not willing to run to do something at the possible cost of plummeting to her death, or to mourn that she is now slightly afraid of heights (though still loves a great slide).

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Strange observations

No waterfountains (or drinking fountains or bubblers).

All beverages seem to be served in their own specific glass/cup/etc. E.g. ordering a water and a soda at a restaurant will result in two different types of glasses. Coffee is served in cups. Tea is served in glass cups. You would think that this would lead to an amazingly large array of barware, but as far as I can tell, it doesn't look too bad. Usually, your beer arrives in a glass that is even labeled by the brewery.

Camping usually means RVing.

Our house still doesn't have screens, but we have figured out to close our ventilators when the fans aren't blowing. So, the mosquitoes are not as plentiful as last year.

Eric and I started having date night several months ago. Every Saturday night we try to go to a restaurant and go for a walk. After several weeks of thinking about it, we went to the Pool/Snooker hall in Veghel early on Saturday night (before dinner). Thankfully, we were the only ones there other than the bartender who looked about 60. We all got to enjoy techno and rap. This while Eric and I both remembered that it had been about 20 years since we had played with any regularity (and for me, that didn't mean that I played well). We were glad to not have an audience of people watching us as two games took over an hour (and I only one the second because Eric scratched on the 8 ball -- I still had four balls on the table). But, pool was a fun thing to do without the baby.