Friday, April 22, 2011

News from the home front

Eileen will be in preschool 5 days a week next year instead of her current 2 days. I can't wait. So, why am I interested in hiring someone to help clean my house? I think I have lost my mind.

Other signs include getting upset over a needle breaking at the end of a knitting project. Inviting my parents to stay with us for a weekend. Forgetting the date that Eric needed me for something. Singing with Eileen's electronic entertainment devices. Dayenu

Meanwhile, Passover in Wichita Falls is at best awful. To get Kosher for Passover Matzos takes looking in 5 shops. To get matzos meal required special ordering on line or driving more than 2 hours.

Haag Sameach everyone...from your whiny friend -- Karen

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