Thursday, April 9, 2009

Eileen grows and thrives

Happy Pesach or Chag Sameach gentle readers. Eileen went to visit her friend Doctor Jose Kokxhoorn at the Consultatiebureau for her 14 month well baby check this week. She is doing great. Pretty quick on the uptake. In fact, she raced all over the doctor's office trying to open drawers and grab mats and toys. She is now 19 pounds 5 1/2 ounces or 8775 grams. And she is 29.92 inches (or .76 meters -- roughly half my height).

I have discovered that the nursery school won't take Eileen until she is 2 years old, and since by then we will be worrying about our next duty assignment, I am instead looking to put her into day care for a half day 2 days a week. I could luxuriate in time to do laundry and clean house with out 'help' -- and even get to use chemicals to clean the bathrooms without major fear.

I must admit that since I did not ask for someone to watch Eileen this week, my house is not really kashered for the holiday. Instead we are just ignoring what Mom didn't get to do. The crackers and things are still on the shelves, so we just ignore the chammetz. Not a great solution, but it is what we did this year. Hopefully next year I will have her in the above-mentioned day care, and that will allow me to clean my little heart out. For those who don't know me that well, I really do like to clean my home, especially the deep clean for the holidays.

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