Wednesday, February 17, 2010

We're home again

Well friends, we are still trying to convince the toddler that night is really night. But, otherwise, we are really glad that we went and saw family in the States. I can't believe how much family we managed to squeeze into a week. Congratulations to my new sister-in-law and my brother-in-law on their wedding! Yet another super-cool, fun, smart sister-in-law -- Yay for me (and thank you Joanne).

Hopefully, you see a video of Eileen with her second birthday cake. She now equates icing with cake (the other part, as you all know from being a kid yourself, is completely inedible and is solely a vehicle for delivering 'cake'). ****okay, I will need to try this again from Eric's computer, as the video did not upload****

We arrived home at the tail end of Kermis (Carnival or the festival leading into lent). That lead to an amusing train trip from Amsterdam, complete with a large marching band from Utrecht heading to festivities in Den Bosch. And, of course, for new readers, it lead to a repeat of the lovely bar-tractor mobiles!

1 comment:

Elfinowl said...

We had such a good time, and it was wonderful seeing you and Eric and Eileen! Clicking on your "video" resulted in an enlarged image of a HUGE pink spongy-looking substance with a wee head of hair looking vaguely Eileenish poked up behind it. Is the "video" meant to dance and sing or anything?