Sunday, May 2, 2010

the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine

Well, friends and curious folk, here is the next two weeks in a nutshell:
kid exchange for a couple of days this week, we are looking forward to playing with our good friend Zy for a couple of days, then a visit with another close buddy -- Dieter, then my close friend from the states is coming for a week long stay, he leaves and I have three days of move prep, then we host a bunch of folk in town for an Indonesian wedding, a birthday party, a day of playing with friend Dina, a Monday with the dentist and then the movers arrive (and we let Eileen play with Zy assuming that the kid exchange was positive for the girls).  I am in the zone! But, if I don't respond to e-mail or external stimuli, know that I will once I can breath again.

Leaving here is as strange as coming. Again, we have two sets of movers (we had three for coming here and will have three for arriving there), so this is just the furniture, out of season or unnecessary things, and most of the kitchen.

Our car will leave on 1 June.

Then, Eileen and I will be oh, so Dutch, mostly, and bike or take bus/trains to places.

The last movers, the borrowed furniture (we will receive a couple of beds, a couch and table and chairs before the furniture is on the truck), and the home inspection aren't until 24 June. Then we move to a hotel get the idea. At this point in the sales pitch, we would say, "And then the fun begins," but instead, we hit the US on 1 July to spend some time with family and a little time just to ourselves before Eric's next job starts in Wichita Falls.

This brings me to my next question for my friends out there -- what should I rename the blog come 13 July when we begin the next chapter in our Air Force adventure?


Leslie said...

Well glad to know you are coming back to America, so I have been so lax with the posting, my camera died and I am frustrated in my efforts. Thanks for your patience.

ColorSlut said...

Excited to have you back in the states though!

Michelle said...

What about what you just wrote:

Karen's Air Force Adventure???? That surely would fit the bill!