Saturday, November 27, 2010

Some recent photos

These were done at a local park by a fantastic photography: Unique Images by Misty. So, there are some recent photos for people clambering for new photos of the family. Our house seems very empty as my parents and brother and his wife and son all left this morning. The last of the linens are now in the dryer...and life is getting back to normal - whatever that might mean :-)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving here

Well for those brave readers wondering what is up, we hope to upload Halloween photos sometime soon. Meanwhile, my parents arrive on Tuesday and my brother, his wife, and their 4 year old arrive on Wednesday. We are very excited and can't wait to do lots of preschool art projects (like turkey napkin rings). Otherwise, life here stays busy.

We are through the first of my holiday events: a large bazaar called Hangar Holiday. The after action report reads like a need to have checklists to follow for each of the 10 plagues of Egypt. But I loved the people I worked with and will happily volunteer again next year if they need me.

Holiday parties 2 and 3 are next Friday and Saturday. Saturday afternoon we head to Dallas so that Eric can run his first marathon on Sunday morning.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

brave new media?

My friends, most of you know that I hover on facebook occasionally. I claim that this is to stay in touch with friends -- and usually I have kept it that way. But lately, I have had the crushing feeling of watching my friends' lives come apart in slow motion from a distance. I often feel like a voyeur. And, I must say, that despite the part of me that is curious, mostly I feel helpless and uncomfortable. These are certainly people I care about. But, that said, most of those 200 plus people who are my friends on facebook would not be close enough to me to call me in the middle of the night and tell me the details I have now got access to.

I know that I am on the far side of the facebook line, where I choose to share only the good and the happy and occasionally the outlandish...but would never share my problems with my mate in that forum (if there were any such problems....and here too, I prefer to resolve personal problems with the people themselves -- friends, mates, pets, and usually even Eileen). So, I am beginning to believe that I should be taking one day a week away from my computer. I feel like I would lose the rest of the world doing that. But, mostly I sit in silence, as people just need to vent sometimes, and mostly I grieve for them silently, I don't think that they would actually want my grief or commiseration.

I am interested in hearing from friends who have resolved these issues without going cold turkey. I would love to continue to see photos of my small friends growing bigger, and hear of exciting happy news, and even be able to send a quick condolence for friends who have lost close family. I love being that close, even when the Air Force has played "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego" with our family often in the last 5 years.

Monday, November 1, 2010

whither halloween

Okay, so I have been gone for a couple of years. This is a gripe post, so skip it if you were in a cheery mood -- sorry for the Monday gripes. My mother-in-law admitted that adults and very old kids (i.e. obviously in high school) without costumes and without apology had trick or treated at her home, too. I can understand a bit if you are hungry. Or if you are walking your kid. Or even if your kid is sick (though bringing a photo of the kid). But didn't the Halloween that I grew up with involve little kids (i.e. ages in the single digits) dressing up adorably. And if the parents had a role at all (other than the hours of hand making the costume, then taking the kids out), it was adult parties.

When did this change? Discussion?

Our neighborhood yesterday was inundated with many many people that were not locals and not invited by locals. I went through seven large bags of candy. I don't even mind the kids that parents might have brought to a safer or nicer neighborhood as long as they were little kids. But for you guys who are older, without costume, what is your excuse?

Okay-- whew, I am through with my whining. Eileen had an awesome time. I hope to upload some photos soon. We'll see.