Monday, February 14, 2011

off to chicago --- this weekend

Happy Valentine's Day my friends and bleaders. Eileen is just getting past a double ear infection (one week into the antibiotics we are both feeling less crabby). It looks like the snow and ice are done for a while. I hope that means that we will have a lovely visit with my family. As has been typical for a long time, Eileen and I will be doing this together. Does anyone need anything from the second city? humor? chocolate? hugs from Eileen's grandparents or great-grandma?

Me, I am hoping for a Greek meal, but will settle for Eileen having a Chicago Red Hot (a hotdog, but -- with capital letters) -- and maybe a slice of deep dish pizza.


Rebecca Halley said...

Have a great time in Chicago, my second favorite place to be! I would tell you to find me some sock yarn but I better not since I'm publicly de-stashing this year.

Eduardo said...

Great Lake Pizza. Never tried it, but oh how I hope to some day. It made a "best pizza in the US" list about 2 years ago.

Elfinowl said...

Have a lovely, painless time in Chi. It's a great place to visit, more or less.

Yeast Infection said...

Happy Valentine's Day to my sweetheart. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend and lover. Hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day. This is also known as happy lover’s day.