Sunday, September 25, 2011

On finding fitness - or at least my version of it

For those of you who only see me electronically, let me tell you that I was not looking as heavy as I was feeling, so you didn't miss the visual cues. But, I must admit that the several months of transition to Wichita Falls from Volkel did add weight to me. So, for mother's day Eric bought me a new fitness thing for the WiiFit. While it didn't help, in response to the hot weather, the kind folk at the YMCA who watch Eileen free (with our membership dues) for two hours a day, and the new tool, I did find myself working out more. I can honestly say that I am feeling better for it.

Eric and I eventually found the right set of fitness stuff for each of us, and I do think that our stress level is a little lower going into the Jewish New Year.

By the way you should all have a wonderful 5772 on the Jewish calendar (holiday starts at sundown on Wednesday). Happy New Year!

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