Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby wellness for 11 monthes

Eileen is 18.18 lbs and 28.6 inches long, though I got it in metric -- she is 8245g and 72.7 cm long. Eric recently posted a bunch of photos and a short video clip. I am posting the clip with Eric's permission (he filmed this the day after we unpacked the toy). Apparently BLOGGER didn't upload this...working on it!


Elfinowl said...

Clearly Eileen is very very well. Always enjoy your blog.

Rebecca Halley said...

I found the blog.hmmmm looks a lot like mine! So glad to connect with you...where is the clip? I didn't actually get to "see" it.

Leslie said...

Dear Karen, we only met the once but it's really nice to see what you are up to. I cannot believe how big she's gotten, where does the time go. So, what are you working on, knitwise, these days?

onthemove - klh said...

Leslie, I remember you and it is great to hear from Becca!!!! YAY...I have more readers!

onthemove - klh said...

Knitting an outfit for my grandchild to wear to her parents wedding in March and still working that coat for my mom...and then I have a jumper for me in burnt orange that I cannot wait to start...but with a toddler, I hardly ever get to pick up the needles.

Cinderelle Elfie said...

She is adorable!!!