Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fun for the Kids

We have a Scouting house in the neighborhood. Eileen and I pass it often walking to and from downtown Volkel (such as it is) to our home. For the past three days it has been hosting this major jamboree marking the end of summer. The kids start school on Monday. They have made field glasses from toilet paper rolls, gone down water slides (in the 60 degree farenheit weather in their little bikinis), they have raced, swung, built things, played games. In short, they have been having a great time.

I am still learning Dutch (I take a Rosetta Stone lesson every day -- and believe it or not I am seeing progress), so I didn't understand all of what was being said, but clearly lots of fun!

Eric and I live about a long city block away from another fun spot: Billy Bird park - Hemelreijk -- I hope they don't mind the link:

We keep thinking that we should go there, but most of the cool stuff would be inaccessible with the baby. She loves the water, though, so we will probably go there next summer to play on the lake if nothing more.

One of the coolest ways to explore in Amsterdam is to rent a canal bike -- one of the paddle boats on the canals. Again, not really a great activity with a baby. We'll probably stick to the powered tour boat instead.

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