Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympics via the Armed Forces Network Europe

I recognize that I am looking a gift horse in the mouth here, but I have to do a short blog about our TV. We get it for free...and we get shows that the networks might otherwise be making more of a profit on. I think that they donate them...and we don't get commercials....that will be in the next paragraph (nice foreshadowing, huh?). We get movies, a kid related network with a combination of Spongebob and Brady Bunch and a little Scooby Doo thrown in, we get sports -- even radio. All is great, except that first run and sports are shown at the same time that they broadcast in the states, so I am watching a lot of opening heats of swimming and women's bicycling, since I don't want to be up at 4am to watch gymnastics or diving. I have heard that the day after the Superbowl is considered a holiday here, since it also starts about 3am...

So, you must be thinking about how wonderful it is that I am not subjected to commercials here. But, you think to yourself, if they are showing things live, aren't there gaping blank spots in the programs? Not to worry, we have public service announcements, think positive about upcoming moves, get family counseling, don't sexually harass, do get insurance...the options are both tedious and endless.

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